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Scentscape : games makes smell

Ever think about can smell the exhaust fumes from cars Need for Speed? Or the smell of mountains in World of Warcraft? Now it can be felt through a special tool smells Conductor for the game.

The tool is named ScentScape which was created by scientists at Scent Sciences Corporation. How to use was fairly easy, just step on to the USB port, play games that are supported, then the aroma smells in the game can be felt by the players.

There are about 20 flavor base that can be felt players, such as shades of pine forest, sea, flowers, and smoke. All the flavor comes from one cartridge to be replaced within 200 hours of usage, or depending on the intensity of the odor is removed.

Replaying the classic Zelda? Imagine smelling the pine forest as you wander about Kakariko Village, fully immersing you in that fantasy world. Or plow through a war zone in Call of Duty amidst the wafts of smoke from the gunfire and bombs.
It would be interesting to see if they incorporate this technology into TVs. Could be fun, but you probably wouldn't want to watch Dirty Jobs, and it would be harder to resist junk food when you can actually smell the pepperoni in the Pizza Hut ads. The ScentScape is relatively small (3.5” x 4.25” x 5.5"), so it could easily nestle amongst your speakers.

ScentScape actually been introduced at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last month. However, these tools can only be owned by the gamers in late 2011 to spend around USD 70.

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